It's tough to be content if you're not happy with who you are. What possessions do you call your own right now? Guess what? Whether you have very little or way too much "stuff" in your life, obtaining more will not make you happy. You may enjoy a short-term boost of pride, bragging rights, and happiness, but it's short-lived.
Then it's on to the next possession to hopefully make you content. It doesn't keep you happy for long either, and you pursue more pointless purchases.
If you're happy with who you are, what you have right now, and where you are in life, that's true contentment. Even if you are one of the few to reach this wonderful reality, you can wreck your happiness by eating the wrong things.
Foods rich in cortisol (the stress hormone) can make you cranky, frustrated, upset, anxious, and even depressed. Taken in moderation, you probably won't suffer any ill effects. Eat them regularly, and your pursuit of happiness can prove fruitless. Here are a few foods and beverages to avoid if you want more happiness and contentment.
Sorry to deliver the bad news, but happy hour might not make you happy. Alcohol, especially when taken in excess, causes stress on the liver. This is one of several factors that can depress your mood. Additionally, cortisol levels can rise, while alcohol also creates other hormonal imbalances.
Trans fats
These aren't found in foods as commonly as they once were. They are nutritional nightmares. They shouldn't be mentioned in the same sentence as "nutrition" because they have nothing good to add to your body.
Skip highly processed foods to be on the safe side. You can also look out for words like "hydrogenated," "partially hydrogenated," and "shortening." Trans fats are heart-hating health wreckers that raise your risk of heart disease, heart attack, and stroke.
Retail fruit juices
Sugar and other unhealthy ingredients are added to many retail fruit juices. This can lead to an increased risk of developing diabetes. The artificial energy boost from sugar-packed retail fruit juices quickly spikes your cortisol.
Fat-free foods
When fat is removed from foods, sugar and artificial sweeteners are often chosen as substitutes. This can elevate your cortisol levels as your blood sugar rises.
Limit these foods to lower your exposure to cortisol. This minimizes your chances of developing stress and anxiety. Those are two emotional enemies of happiness. Embrace a healthy diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and fewer processed foods, and you'll find more happiness and less stress.