The world wants you to be sad? Is that really true? How can that be when everywhere you look, companies are telling you their products can make you happier than you've ever been? If anything, it appears that your friends, social media sites, marketers, advertisers, and just about everyone wants you to be happy and successful.
Take a closer look. Is that really what they're saying?
When every manufacturer you encounter tries to get you to buy their products or services, what is their real statement? They're trying to convince you that your life is not good enough right now. You aren't worthy of a great life until you buy what they are trying to sell you.
Your friends often do the same things. It might be hard to believe, but they do, whether they know it or not. When your friends expect you to act a certain way or do certain things, they find you lacking in some way. They want you to be a member of their group, requiring you to change according to their wishes.
You must conform to certain societal standards.
Put quite simply, today's world is based on consumerism and consumption. Everywhere you turn, you are expected to purchase more products, do more things, give more energy, sacrifice more, and continually change who you are, what you possess, and how you see your life.
Don't Worry. Contentment Is Still Possible
This crazy world we live in demands a lot from you. Conspicuous consumption is expected. The world around you doesn't only want you to constantly purchase and consume and keep begging for more. It wants you to do so in a conspicuous way.
If you get a raise at work, you're expected to jump on social media and tell everyone about it. This fuels the comparison culture that continually has everyone trying to be better than everyone else.
Did you upgrade your vehicle? You bought a brand-new watch the other day, didn't you? Did you have a birthday, celebrate an anniversary, or attend a party? Our modern society believes those things don't happen unless you tell everyone else about them. Then you can make others feel bad about not being as incredible as you are.
That's, unfortunately, where we find ourselves these days. It's still possible to be happy, and the first thing you need to do is open your eyes. Don't click on a link, comment on a social media post or respond to a group text message without stopping and thinking first.
What is the motivation? Why do you want to take part? Would it be better to sit this one out? Are you trying to create some short-lived happiness by falling prey to the societal pressures that create more negative emotions for you in the long run?
Believe in yourself. Always tell yourself that you are enough. You can't purchase your way to happiness. Living on social media leads to stress, anxiety, and depression for most people, not happiness and inclusion.
Spend less time online. Do things in the real world that make you happy. Spend time with your friends, your true friends. Sit down, talk with yourself, and see what you can remove from your life that will make you happier. Turn inside for happiness rather than outside your mind and body. This can keep you from falling prey to the sneaky societal pressures begging you to feel sad instead of happy.